Braintree Basketball Club operates as a not-for-profit organisation in order to keep subs as low as possible and keep the doors open to as many families as we can. As you know, the coaches give their time for free and the Club has volunteers giving hours of admin time to book fixtures, organise training sessions, ensure safeguarding and communicate with all the wonderful players and families that belong to this small community.

We are so proud of our unique status and ethos and we hope that it will continue to grow over the coming years, both in size and stature.

The economic situation is tough however, and we know it is hard for so many families at the moment. It is also hard balancing the Club’s books with increased hall hire costs on the horizon. In response to this, we would really like to ask anyone interested in supporting us to organise a fundraiser. Could you take part in a sponsored event maybe, or run a bake sale, a boot sale or even just give up chocolate for a month? There are so many sporting challenges you could do, or you could hold a raffle for us, a quiz night, a pamper evening or movie night.

Every penny you raise will be spent on securing the future of Braintree Basketball Club over the coming months and years and we are truly grateful for your support.

For more information on how you could help with fundraising or if you would like to let us know what event you would like to hold, please email [email protected].